Sunday, September 9, 2007

Symphony of echo's

That day I wrote a symphony.

A symphony of thoughts.

The symphony of the echo’s I heard.

The echo’s, I chose to stay away from.

But echo’s are suppose to come back.

Come back,

A few times before they perish in the deep space of silence.

Echo’s, the reminders,

Of the sounds they carried away.


Jadedism said...

Echoes unfortunately also haunt us.

They make me wake up with nightmares.

Are hush, but ghosts that sound at thier convenience.

Cinderella said...

THis was just beautiful. Oh..!!

How you pen down things so subtle, and make them carry such magnaminity...!!!!!

pssssst : I have a major crush on your poetry.

Awesome !

Casperbaba said...


hey thanks alot... :)
ur way too generous with your compliments... :)
nd yes... its an honor to have a share of ur "crush", let it b for the poetry!!!! [:D]