She asked me to walk a few more miles before i decide to lay my head down. She knew i was falling in love with her every moment, every walking step. She pampered me with gentle blowing winds and gave me the warmth of greens to sooth my eyes, in turn my soul. Like a hopelessly involved lover I kept gaping at the magnanimity of her charms.

few steps beyond i found a place where peace was instilled in every corner of every second that passed by me. I don't know if it was a Divine intervention or was it something else. I just wanted to be, be forever, may be, just be! those few moments of peace will be with me for this life time.

like the charmer she is. She wooed me with her colors, which she flashed to me, but subtly. She flirted with my senses whenever she could hold me. She held me intact, with all my attention to her, all the time. She worked her spell on me. I let her.

She reminded me to cleanse myself with its love. pouring upon me from heavens up above, when i stood right below its shower. The cold of the water, left me breathless for few second. But those seconds I forgot all pain, happiness, sadness, smiles that i ever had. I was just. I was me.
She told me not all her men were as bad as I thought they were. They created beauty in the ways they could express themselves. They created stone structures so beautiful and divine that She couldn't resist but stay there by their side living in harmony with its existence. She smiled while she spoke almost silently.
Her reminders like a faithful partner for me to keep "my-self" clean and pure. I guess she was falling in love with my being in here presence. She liked me alot. I saw her smiling more than often.
Those colors, those patterns. The acceptance of the being, of being yet being colorful was reassuring. I wasn't alone after all and I was also in love.
I walked pass some doors and some more. But few doors tell you they are suppose to be for you.
The colors I saw all along taught me the state of stable being. Like the faces that have to be colored yet have the silence of deep Vallie's, that could trigger the ripples of the understanding of one's being.
Rang dey muhjko apney hi rang mein,
rang ley yeah sab, yeah sab tera,
rang dey poora tu zaat ko meri,
rang dey tu saaya bhi mera.
rang ley yeah sab, yeah sab tera,
rang dey poora tu zaat ko meri,
rang dey tu saaya bhi mera.
To see the rest of the pictures:http://www.flickr.com/photos/22163965@N04/
well that is a romantic side of you as i can see ...marvelous snaps ...
how far is heaven ?
take care
the second last picture is my favorite .. all of them are lovely but that one is unique ..
nice words to go along with those surreal pictures.. one can be lost beneath the serenity of either of them ..
Loved this trip bro....and u hv just penned down the most beautiful lines romanitising Gods' playgrounds...
Yes, it is heaven is why i chose to come back to tis place mate....and come back again i shall...
Ooooooooooooooooh!The pics tell such a lovely story and the narration,so beautiful!
Wonderful photography :)
Btw,thanks for blogrolling me,you are blogrolled too!Could you please correct the name from "heaven" to "haven" if you do not mind? :P
My favo's are 1 and 3 and they are so romantic. In summary you write so romantic but not much in poems. Wonder why?
Amazing pictures and lovely words to go along.. do u flickr?
You took me back to where i belonged.There was a door/window in my grand mother's house which can split open into four.During the monsoons we will be watching rain through that window.The distant temple,school children ,young couple happy to be under the same umbrella...
Nostalgic trip.
Mystic and surreal
I love this post and the pics! Especially the last Masks pic. BEAUTIFUL!
Romantic sentiments from a beautiful soul..
lolz! thank you so much... well i do have a romantic side to myself... but probabally now the focus has shifted from humans to "mother nature" :)
that's my favorite too... :D has a very strong visual charaterstic to it. I am glad that you liked the images. The place was too surreal to be true. i just went bonkers clicking. :)
Ah! i know bhai.. this trip was something out of this word. i would wait for u to come back... :)
hey thanks alot for ur kind words dear. I am humbled. :)
i apologise for the mistake.. shall change it rightaway. :)
first of all thanks alot.:)
second of all....
lolz! well probabaly now "romance" carries a completely different meaning for me.
thanks brother.. i see ur a photographer to... i had been out of touch for past 3 yrs. now finally i pick up the camera again. and capture the world around me.
i dun really flicker. but i created a album some time back.. u'll se the link on the post itself. once agagin thanks alot for ur kind words.
@man in the painitng
thanks alot sir. I am humbled. I am glad that my pictures cud take you back to nostalgia. My purpose in a way is complete. this is the best compliment i have got so far. once agagin thanks a ton!
hey thanks alot sweetheart. :)
i m humbled by ur kind words...
"beautiful soul"?? well honestly i am not one... yes but tryin 2 b one!
the mask picture is one of mah favorite to.. :)love the colors in the picture!
u r a beautiful soul...dun underestimate ur capabilities Casper. u r bigger than u think u r. I can see it thru ur blog. :)
Another nature lover? She has got too may lovers swayed by her charm..the seductress...
ur too kind with your compliments... I am too small to be able to comprhend such appriciations. I m humbled. I completely am.
thanks alot once again!
Ah!!! well said... very well said... shez mezmerised me long back... have fallen head over heals for her... the sudectess worked her charm on me too... i let her! i wanted to :)
i guess ur a nature lover urself too!
fantastic shots ... loved them all ... can't pick a fav coz each one of them talk a diff story to me .. loved the lines that went with each image ...
Just Amazing !!!
Thanks alot brother... ur thoughts and feedback is much appriciated... :) if u can't choose b/w the photographs.. imagine what wud have happened if u were there in that place. with a nature freak like moi! lolz!
thanks alot. i m honored nd humbled.
hope to see you around much often!
sorry the deleted comment above is also mine, a confusion on the login.
I adorn your every lines expression, those are poetic and sense ur move towards the beautiful nature, exist there. Awesome pictures esp.those misty ones, I wish to see her to fall in love ;)
Where is that place ?!
Heaven yaar !! Heaven !!!!
I just loved the pix !!!
thanks alot brother.... i m glad you liked the pictures and the words. :)
heaven!! indeed....
its MEDEKERE.. bout 5 hrs from bangalore. surreal place. i m glad u like the shots!
@Surdi: Bro...narrated the trip to an 'energy' and relived it....bit by bit...
(listening to Katra Katra Jeene De...Zindagi hai....)
Trust me....Its imprinted forever!!
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